During uncertain weather, people would feel their body heat increase, lack of appetite and feel sleepy from time to time. To care for your health, DXN has developed Spica Tea which is rich in natural ingredients containing Ganoderma lucidum, Radix glycyrrhizae and other natural elements. Spica Tea is also mild and ideal for all ages and gender.
Based from user, it is good for cough, asthma and other respiratory disorder.
It is also a deworming tea, helps removes intestinal parasites especially for children
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Wonder Ganozhi Toothpaste

DXN Ganozhi™ Toothpaste contains no saccharin and colouring but with high quality of Ganoderma extract, food gel, menthol and food flavouring. It can effectively cleanse your teeth for fresh breath and taste in your mouth. It also makes your teeth healthier and brighter.
Non dental applications of ganozhi toothpaste.
Skin allergies, rashes, insect bites, wounds, burns, pimples
- apply directly on affected areas
- apply a pinch of toothpaste forehead and armpit
- dissolve pinch of toothpaste in warm water then drink
Feminine wash
- dissolve in water
Piles (almoranas)
- apply directly or indirectly
and many more...
These applications was based on user testimonials.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Cocozhi - DXN chocolate memory enhancer drink
Cocozhi® is formulated from the finest cocoa with Ganoderma extract. It is in a ready to drink powdered form, which gives you a chocolate taste. Aside from the fine cocoa aroma, you can also enjoy the benefits of Ganoderma. Just pour the contents in a hot cup of water and stir to enjoy an invigorating drink suitable for the whole family.
Cocozhi is a memory enhancer chocolate drink.
It is best for student and those suffering from memory gap.
Proven effective by user taking reviews for their examination.
Cocozhi is a memory enhancer chocolate drink.
It is best for student and those suffering from memory gap.
Proven effective by user taking reviews for their examination.
Lingzhi 3 in 1 coffee
DXN Lingzhi Coffee 3 in 1 is specially blended with finest quality Brazilian coffee beans and 100% pure Lingzhi with no artificial colouring, flavoring and preservatives.
It is the only coffee with calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorous and even vitamin c.
Based on our experience it gives instant relief to stomach pain.
Relieves stressful day.
Helps normalize hypertension.
It help prevent and cope with several diseases like
That is why it is called "THE MIRACLE COFFEE"
DXN Potenzhi is a powerful male tonic supplement to revive your passion and vitality. It contains power-packed, highest potency and quality of Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) and Butea superba extracts, which are well known to boost up male physical strength.
This formulation is further reinforced with seven precious herb extracts which include Ganoderma, Cordyceps, black pepper, celery, green tea, root of lalang and stem of kayu secang. These herbs have been long treasured as an essential tonic to invigorate male performance and regain virility.
This unique blend of 9 pure herb extracts is specially formulated combination for its maximum benefits.
Daily consumption of DXN Potenzhi helps to:
This unique blend of 9 pure herb extracts is specially formulated combination for its maximum benefits.
Daily consumption of DXN Potenzhi helps to:
- improve blood circulation
- boost up energy level and endurance
- overcome mental fatigue and exhaustion
- strengthen physical performance
Best for worker which requires energy like construction worker.
Packaging size:
- 30 capsules
Roselle - 100% natural vitamin C
Roselle or its scientific name Hibiscus sabdariffa is a flowering plant used to grow in both tropical and subtropical regions. The swollen red calyces of the plant contain rich amount of vitamin C and minerals such as zinc, calcium and magnesium.
Now, with DXN Roselle tablet, you can grab the natural goodness of Roselle in a convenient way. The exclusive DXN Roselle tablet provides sufficient vitamins C, D, B1 and B2. You will benefit from a wide range of nutrients while enjoying its fabulous taste.
Vitamin C is necessary to keep your immune system strong, promotes healthy gum and beautify your skin complexion.
Vitamin C is necessary to keep your immune system strong, promotes healthy gum and beautify your skin complexion.
Roselle has proven effective by users for cold, phlegm.
Helps faster absorption of vitamins and minerals.
Helps normalize blood pressure.
Packaging size:
- 120 tablets
Helps faster absorption of vitamins and minerals.
Helps normalize blood pressure.
Packaging size:
- 120 tablets
Andrographis paniculata is a traditional herb recognised by herbalists for centuries as a natural remedy for upper respiratory infections, fever, sore throat and flu. It contains andrographolide a bitter compound that contributes therapeutic effects of this herb.
Andro - G is made from 100% pure Andrographis paniculata. It helps to reduce excessive body heat due to its cooling and soothing effect.
fight against dengue
a must for anyone always expose to heat or under the sun.
Benefits of Andro-G
Packaging size:
- 30 and 90 capsules
Andro - G is made from 100% pure Andrographis paniculata. It helps to reduce excessive body heat due to its cooling and soothing effect.
Common uses based from user
natural remedy for fever, and flu
relieve diarrhea and other intestinal disorderfight against dengue
a must for anyone always expose to heat or under the sun.
Benefits of Andro-G
Packaging size:
- 30 and 90 capsules
Spirulina Super Food
Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae which is full of life-giving nutrients such as protein, beta carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin B complex, minerals, essential fatty acids and other important nutrients that our body needs.
Spirulina essential nutrients
1. Beta carotene - ten times more than that of carrots
2. Protein - safe and vegetable protein; fat and cholesterol free unlike meat
3. Gamma-linoleninc acid (GLA) - good source of GLA for breastfeeding mothers for developing healthy babies
4. Iron - builds stronger immune system with natural iron that's easier to absorb than iron supplements.
5. Vitamin B-12 and B complex - highest source of B-12 for healthy nerves and tissue.
6. Phytonutrients - has chlorophyll, phycocyanin, and cartenoids for health cleansing.
DXN is the first MLM company in Malaysia to produce Spirulina from the cultivation process to finished goods. DXN Spirulina is naturally cultivated using selected best species. It is cultivated in a clean pond and no pesticides or herbicides are applied.
Health benefits of Spirulina
- Growth and development
- Energy Booster
- Strengthening Immune System
- Zero Cholesterol Food
- Improving Gastrointestinal and digestive health
- Enhancing Natural Cleansing and Detoxification
- Better Antioxidant protection, reducing cancer risk
- Slimming and weight loss
Since it is super food, it is a source of vegetable replacement
Spirulina based on study and user has proven effective against anemia, cholesterol, hypertension and cancer.
Packaging size:
- 120, 300, 500 and 1500 tablets
Friday, February 18, 2011
GANODERMA LUCIDUM Reishi Gano (RG) and Ganocelium (GL)

DXN uses these six species of red mushroom, with scientific name ganoderma lucidum, lingzhi in China, reishi in Japan, kabute in Philippines.
These red mushroom are called the Miraculous King of Herbs. No other herbs can replace the king of herbs.
Take note: Soup of Emperor with a Thousand Mistresses
Take note: Soup of Emperor with a Thousand Mistresses
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ganoderma lucidum belong to superior which helps recover from sickness and promotes balance in body systems.
There are about 300 valuable nutrients present in Ganoderma Lucidum. The 5 major elements of it are as follows,
1. polysaccharides (carbohydrates)
2. adenosine (protein)
3. triterpenoids (fats)
4. organic germanium (minerals)
5. ganoderic essence (vitamins and minerals)
The banner products of DXN are the Reishi Gano (RG) 90 day old fruit body and Ganocelium (GL) 18 day old mycelium.
RG is the detoxifier, it support the body to cleanse the water soluble and non-water soluble toxins out of its system.
GL is the balancer, it support the body to regulate, build and regenerate cells and tissues.
The 5 function of Ganoderma Lucidum
1. Scanning
2. Cleansing
3. Regulating
4. Building
5. Regenerating
So what's so good about ganoderma lucidum?
- It is non-toxic and can be taken daily without producing any side effects.
- When it is taken regularly, it can restore the body to its natural state, enabling all organs to function normally.
- Immune modulator - regulates and fine tunes the immune system.
but the benefits of has already been 2000 years of human observation according to TCM
Through DXN it already helped over 160 countries user worldwide to have good health and recover from any form of illness.
Packaging size:
30 and 90 capsules
More info about red mushroom:
30 reasons to consume Ganoderma Lucidum:
1. CANCER: The Reishi mushroom helps reduce the
risk of cancer and even help fight the disease incredibly. It has more than 154
types of antioxidants, and contains beta-glucan, lentinan, organic germanium
synergize together and become the best weapon against cancer. This helps your
body at protecting cells and destroy cancer cells.
2. HEART DISEASE: Reishi helps
prevent heart disease and stroke. Effects of controlling blood pressure,
improve circulation, reduce blood fats and prevent arteriosclerosis because it
has natural adenosine and triterpenoids ganoderic acid.
3. ANTI-AGING: Reishi contains
lots of antioxidants such as polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamin C, etc.. That
attack free radicals, as well as organic germanium helps cellular oxygenation
which means it helps fight the effects of aging and longevity.
4. WEIGHT LOSS: Reishi helps the
body to lose weight, burn fat and is a natural stimulant of metabolism, due to
the synergy of the compounds. By activating our metabolism our cells begin to
use more energy reserves (fat).
5. ENERGY: The energy reishi
improves both our body and mind, organic germanium is in the fungus helps to
oxygenate the cells better enhancing the total energy.
6. SKIN: The reishi antioxidant
protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, which are the
cause of wrinkles and aging skin. Reishi also helps to fight skin cancer.
7. ARTHRITIS: Reishi helps to
prevent, reduce and combat the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. This is due to the
synergy of triterpenoids, organic germanium and immunomodulators that allows
control of inflammation and the immune system adapts.
8. BONES: Due to the presence of
calcium and vitamin D, and other compounds that help calcium absorption
enhancing our bones, reishi mushrooms to eat each day helps preserve bone
9. CHOLESTEROL: Reishi helps
reduce cholesterol levels, also improves the ratio of good cholesterol and bad
cholesterol, by reducing bad cholesterol level, this due to the presence of
triterpenoids and adenosine.
10. OBESITY: Reishi helps prevent
obesity by stopping the movement of glucose in fat cells. Those who follow a
healthy diet, exercise regularly and consume reishi is very unlikely that it
becomes obese.
11. DIABETES: Reishi improves
metabolism in relation to lipids and glucose, and prevents sudden increases in
the level of blood sugar balancing the general metabolism.
12. BLOOD SUGAR: Sugar in the
blood tends to increase with age, but polyphenols and polysaccharides in reishi
helps reduce the level of blood sugar.
13. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Reishi helps reduce blood pressure due to the
purification of blood and promote the elasticity of arteries.
14. Gastritis: Thanks to the
wonderful compound that has the fungus, fight efficiently our defenses against
Helicobacter pylori. Furthermore, the cells of the stomach work better thanks
to the synergy of compounds controlling acid secretion.
15. CONSTIPATION: Due to the large
amount of insoluble fiber such as hemicellulose allows the colon to function
properly. This improves digestive functions and allows the removal of harmful
compounds in the body.
16. ALZHEIMER: Reishi helps
strengthen memory, although no known cure for Alzheimer reishi helps slow the
process of reduction of acetylcholine in the brain, which is what causes
17. Parkinson's disease: reishi
mushroom Antioxidants help prevent cellular damage in the brain, which is one
of the causes of Parkinson's evil, who regularly consume the fungus is very
unlikely to develop this disease.
18. ADDICTIONS: Thanks to the
synergistic effect of organic germanium compounds such as antioxidants and
improves the function of the nervous system, thereby controlling addictions.
19. MIGRAINE: Similarly compounds
that relax the nervous system together with the triterpenoids that control pain
and inflammation, help to control and fight to the best of migraines.
20. Liver disease: Reishi helps
prevent liver failure in the anti-fibrotic and immunological properties that
prevent a malfunction of the liver. This synergy of the compounds.
21. KIDNEY DISEASE: Studies in
Japan show that reishi has great effect on our kidneys function better. From
nephritis to renal failure has been shown that the synergy of compounds of the
fungus controls and combat the problems of this type.
22. FOOD POISONING: lentinan
found in reishi may help the body to kill bacteria that cause food poisoning
and kills the toxins produced by these bacteria.
23. IMMUNITY: The polyphenols,
flavonoids, beta-glucans and lentinan mainly found in the fungus help stimulate
the immune system, strengthening the health, in its fight against infection.
24. Colds and flu: Reishi helps prevent colds and flu due to the synergy of
compounds greatly improves our defenses.
25. ASTHMA: The anti-inflammatory
properties allow triterpenoids and germanium relax muscles that support the
bronchial tubes, reducing the severity of asthma. In addition to the
immunomodulatory effect of compounds prevents the onset of the turmoil.
reishi mushroom to possess compounds that increase the defenses and the
germanium also increases the production of interferon, it is helpful for herpes
and other viruses such as hepatitis viruses, papillomavirus, HIV, etc..
27. ALLERGIES: The presence of
triterpenoids as antihistamines effects ganoderic acids which reduces
allergies. So if there are allergies, you should be seriously considered Reishi
consumption regularly.
28. AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES: thanks to the effect of lentinan and other
polysaccharides such as beta-glucan regulates the function of our immune
system, thus combating diseases such as psoriasis, vitiligo, lupus, arthritis,
29. HIV: Scientists in Japan have
shown that reishi mushroom lentinan significantly improves our immune system
and helps reduce HIV attacks the healthy cells of the immune system. What this
means is that reishi can help stop the spread of HIV.
30. STRESS: The synergistic
effects of the compounds found in Reishi allow relaxation of the nervous system
and help reduce stress and anxiety, which are becoming the main risk factors
for diseases of today.
The prestigious National Institute of Health and the National Library of
Medicine on its website www.pubmed.gov have documented biological activities
and pharmacological functions of Ganoderma Lucidum.
and many more not documented ....
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